2022 秋季注册通知 2022 Fall Registration
敬请登入中文学校网站:https://www.tccls.net/registration 下载并填写注册表,与报名费于7/31/2022前寄出
支票请寄: TCCLS
P. O. Box 1664
Richland, WA 99352
收款人: TCCLS (请在备注中指明学生姓名)
建议学期报名费: 家庭一位学生$170.00
同一家庭其他学生每人 $160.00
上课地点: 三镇华人宣道会 TCCAC
2004 George Washington Way
Richland WA 99354
上课时间: 每周天下午2:00pm-4:00pm
联系电话: 509-8277807
TCCLS Families:
Thanks all for your continuous passionate support to TCCLS. Students participating in implementing learned Chinese were fully acknowledged through real facial and body language communication in all classes. TCCLS could not make it till today without all the students and families' loving dedication and genuine commitment. Bounding and connection between students are beyond words can explain. Students have gained progress in all perspectives of Chinese learning including reading, writing and comprehension.
TCCLS would like to call for a new school year registration citing Shi SU’s poem: ‘Calming Storms and Waves’.
Please, print and fill out an application form through website: https://www.tccls.net/registration
Please, mail the form together with your check. School requires your payment no later than July 31,2022 for covering shipping and handling textbooks and other necessities.
First day of school: August 28, 2022
Class address: Tri-cities Chinese Alliance Church (TCCAC)
2004 George Washington Way
Richland WA 99354
Class time: Sunday afternoons: 2:00-4:00 PM
Mailing address: TCCLS
P.O.BOX 1664
Richland, WA 99352
Suggested Tuition fee: one student of a family: $170
more students from the same family: each for $160
(Please, indicates your students' name on Memo)
For further inquiries, Please, email us through TCCLS2010@gmail.com
Principle: Daisy Ge